Tango book errata

This is why erasers have pencils . . . err . . . you know.

Please join me in commenting on any other mistakes you have found in Tango, an Argentine Love Story. Please do so soon, so we can get them all sent to the publisher’s before the book goes into its next printing. Which may be soon.

—page 9, second paragraph: My loft is ON Juncal Street . . .

—page 31, third paragraph, fourth line down: Hector Villar should be Hector Villalba.

—page 35, starting with second paragraph (and globally throughout): should be Rodolfo BIAGGI (not Biagi).

—page 37, second paragraph (what is it with these second grafs, recto?): Other comparisons did not escape ME . . .me seems to have vanished.

—page 37, last paragraph (not a mistake, but reads more clearly thus): change “basic eight-step” to “basic eight-count”

—page 146, second line: mercifully should be mercilessly (although one might wish the former were true . . .)

—147-148, The very last sentence reads, ” . . .lead and follow footwork is done in what is called normal or parallel system.” My very observant, much-esteemed teacher, Christy Cote, caught this one—she says this one should be “cross” system, not “normal or parallel.” I got a little dizzy doing that chain step . . .

—page 158, second paragraph: Alex Krebs . . . is a teacher from Portland, Oregon, not Canada (I had this right, Alex, but factchecked it against a mis-informed Web site . . . sorry.)

That’s all for now – please send along any other you find. You can post as Comment below or email: ocaramiaATearthlinkDOTnet.


  1. Front cover quote: “additon” should be “addition”