La Cuccìa – Santa Lucia’s dish

La cuccia he quick method is below. I prefer the real thing, using whole wheat berries. This year I’m using hard red wheat berries from Whole Foods (photo). In a good stainless steel pot, I will soak about 2 cups of the whole grains in plenty of water to cover over night. They will swell. You can leave them out or refrigerate if you prefer. Then, I will simmer them on low heat for up to 2 hours until they are cooked—could take longer.

Patty Hennessy, Green Goddess

I’ll call the Green Goddess. Could you believe that a cocktail of fresh kale, celery, carrot, green apple, and lemon juice could taste so magnificent? One man said the color was hard for him. I said the color pleased my eye but I was afraid I wouldn’t like it. I recalled my taste of wheat grass with some trepidation. This beverage was like a margarita minus the alcohol . . .

Visitors’ Guide to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Where to eat, stay, tango, dance, walk, and more in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From an American who lived, loved, and danced there.

VIA Magazine archived stories

These are links to some of the many travel stories I wrote for VIA Magazine from 1988 through 2006. Some info may not have aged gracefully – do check all contact info. MENDOCINO, CALIFORNIA BIG SUR, DRIVING THE BIG SOUTH – JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING HAWAII’S ALOHA FESTIVALS PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA […]

Buenos Aires Bares Notables

The bares notables (notable bars and cafes) of Buenos Aires are best accessed at this site.

Chile Chile Bang Bang

Southwestern staples include beans, corn, and . . . .chiles. By Camille Cusumano Originally published in Via Magazine. It struck me as fitting that New Mexico’s pueblo architecture would look hand-molded from a pile of refried frijoles. I was, after all, standing on the historic proving ground for Southwestern cooking, one of the country’s most […]