Tango, perfect economic stimulus package

Dear President-elect Obama,

I am writing to promote Argentine tango as the perfect “stimulus package” for our entire nation. Tango is definitely stimulating. It is affordable and minimalist (for us women: skimpy attire, one good pair of shoes, one good man, any wood floor, music). It’s organic—based on natural body movements, such as embracing, walking, flicking of legs. It is green with strictly clean emissions—only occasional sighs, coos, warm breath. Best of all, it’s innately peaceable, a dance born among immigrants of the urge for intimacy. Thus tango dancing guarantees, in one fell swoop to stimulate the economy for the masses, spread love, and end the wars that are costing us billions per month, all this while restoring our planet to health.

Viva el tango! If you don’t believe me, just read about it in my book, Tango, an Argentine Love Story.

Tango is clean, green, and never mean

Tango is clean, green, and never mean


  1. i just hope that the economy would recover very soon because of the Stimulus Package given by the government.

  2. i hope that those Stimulus Package coming from the government would really kick start the Economy. the economic recession has been very bad on my business. –