Tango sideways

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For tango followers who want to soar

I’ve thought about this state of weightlessness while dancing with various partners, how I soar when the points of contact, even with negative space, feel equally weight-bearing. Obviously this state is dynamic. You don’t affix yourself to your partner (kind of as they do in ballroom tango) and then stay there. You must be completely and perpetually aware, ever shifting, ever present, to find the balance. Like skiing, skateboarding.

Buenos Aires Bares Notables

The bares notables (notable bars and cafes) of Buenos Aires are best accessed at this site.

Buenos Aires notable cafes and bars, New York Times

Check out my July 12, 2009 New York Times piece on Buenos Aires’s bares notables. Be sure to look at photographer Kevin Moloney’s slide show of some of the bares notables. The city’s list of notable bars and cafes is up to 53. It seems the city’s Web site is not only slow but disfunctional […]

For tango leaders who want to soar

I believe in airborne tango – and that exactly describes what it feels like. It feels as if the pull of gravity is no more or less than the press of the man’s palm against my own; no more or less than his torso against my torso; no more or less than his right arm’s pressure against my left side or than the pressure of my breath on my lungs;and equal, if opposite, to our horizontal momentum . In other words, it feels as if you could turn us sideways, inside-out, or upside-down and we’d still feel the dance same way. there is no more pressure on the balls of my feet than on my palms or back.

Mass hysteria in Argentina, swine flu

Each year, two million children worldwide die from diarrhea that could have been cured with an oral serum costing about fifteen cents, writes Carlos Alberto Morales Paitán, pediatric doctor at Children’s Hospital in Lima, Perú. But his email, which reached me via Argentine friends, was not about that too common tragedy.

Tango in Jeopardy

Tango was on Jeopardy, featured as a category in the first round of the TV game show on Tuesday, June 24. Just as I was telling someone who is not in the “Tango Club” that, yes, tango is like a cult, there it was on mainstream network TV. I felt elated—the dance that is more than a dance was finally of wide-spread interest.

Tango Jewelry

I´m a “porteña” (born in Buenos Aires), a tango dancer, and I walked the path of Art all my life ( painting, dress and make-up design for the stage, dance, chant…) And, as I see it, Art is the expression of the Soul and its vital experiences through materials, sounds, colours, movement, etc… So, when the time came to express myself through jewelry, the poetry, passion and sensuality of Tango Argentino came up naturally in my work too.

My teacher, also a tango dancer and son of a well-known jewelry artist in BA, worked for over 12 years at the famous “Tiffany” in New York and conveyed to me the secrets of the finest jewelry.

Tango Music 101

Here is a brief, very basic primer for beginners in tango, which I wrote for Inspira Travel, an agency here in Buenos Aires for whom I’ll lead some tango-themed tours in November. You can check out their site, too, for great trips all around Argentina. Tango music is something the most unschooled among us recognize […]

Flat Stanley does Buenos Aires

Flat Stanley is the mascot for a group of second graders in Centreville, Maryland. His travels around the world help the youngsters learn geography because Stanley returns home from his visits (via mail) with tons of photos – and videos in this case. I hope I have done my part to put tango on the map for—and in the hearts of—young people.