When I returned to Buenos Aires last February, I was delighted to find that my good friend and excellent yoga teacher, Carmen Iglesias, was making beautiful jewelry inspired by her tango dancing as well as her native culture and her innate shamanistic powers. This photo, left shows how she has incorporated a unique Porteño design, called filetado, into her silver. The stone is Argentina’s national gem, Rhodocrosite. She uses only the best sterling silver – not true of all jewelers.
Everything is crafted by hand. Check out her site for more details. Below I’m wearing one of her designs that borrows inspiration from the gauchos who loved floral motifs. She makes, rings, earrings, pendants, and more.
From Carmen:
“I´m a “Porteña” (born in Buenos Aires), a tango dancer, and I walked the path of Art all my life (painting, dress and make-up design for the stage, dance, chant…) And, as I see it, Art is the expression of the Soul and its vital experiences through materials, sounds, colors, movement, etc… So, when the time came to express myself through jewelry, the poetry, passion and sensuality of Tango Argentino came up naturally in my work too.
My teacher, also a tango dancer and son of a well-known jewelry artist in BA, worked for over 12 years at the famous “Tiffany” in New York and conveyed to me the secrets of the finest jewelry.”