Tango instructor Stella Ling’s milonga is at one of the most elegant venues since Camelot. Details: Spring Breezes Argentine Tango Milonga at the Historic Claremont Hotel on Sunday, June 24th Enjoy a special milonga at the historic Claremont Hotel in the hills of Berkeley with panoramic view of the city. 31 Tunnel Rd., Berkeley 7-8 […]
Tango Maestros & Their Nicknames
Nicknames for the argentine tango maestros – composers & singers
Perchance to Dream, writer’s wisdom
The dollar is now the yardstick of cultural authority, and an organ like TIME, which not long ago aspired to shape the national taste, now serves mainly to reflect it. Jonathan Franzen.
Writings from Prison
“Here in Prison” is a collaboration of writings from various inmates all over the United States sent to me by Joel Fox, inmate at Folsom Prison, whose Buddhist meditation practice I help support through letter writing. Find more info on SF Zen Center Prison Correspondence project here.
The Em Dash Paradox
Ever identified with a symbol of punctuation? The em dash is obsolete—since we went to computers. But raise your arms at your side if you keep it alive.
How to find a competent editor
15. A good editor should first consider your voice, structure, and the proverbial “narrative arc.”
16. The small stuff in #13 IS important.
17. But, your first concern is that an editor have a form of professional “empathy” for your work.
18. You gather this by listening to what the editor reads/writes back to you about your work.
19. You don’t want to be friends with your editor.
20. You want something more brutally meaningful.
Scenes from Christy Cote’s Tango Boot Camp for beginners, May 5-6, 2012
Christy Cote’s Argentine Tango Boot Camp in San Francisco at the Metronome Dance Collective, May 5-6, 2012
Tango’s Kama Sutra Positions
Why Tango is Like the Kama Sutra People (who don’t tango) constantly ask me why I believe tango is like no other dance. Here I simply offer one more piece of evidence to support my case: The eight-count basic can be viewed as the Kama Sutra of Argentine tango. I have called this eight-step pattern the Mother of all tango steps, moves, or patterns because it is the matrix from which all tango is born. From its maternal, or Great Mother, instincts emanate all the offspring positions between two partners in tango.
I am referring to dance positions. The Kama Sutra, an ancient Hindu manual written in Sanskrit, refers in part to human sex position
Janet Lott’s Red & White Muscle distinction
Think of a chicken—dark and white meat. Dark is the legs and thighs –
chickens can walk around all day. Those are the deep muscles that support our bones. The “white” is the wings and breast. Chickens can fly in spurts
but not very far or for very long. Those are our larger muscles on the outside (generally) of our bodies that we use for larger movements.
These muscle groups can be trained to take over the work of the other, but, generally we desire to enhance the strength of the red muscles because
they have greater strength in the long run.