TEDx Tango Talk, NY, 10/25/13


“We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is wating for us.”

—Joseph Campbell

I’ll be presenting a talk on Tango as part of the Hero’s Journey, a la Joseph Campbell at this landmark event. I’ll be presenting at TEDxLowerEastSide with speakers from a variety of backgrounds including scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, yogis, monks, educators and activists.


October 25th, 2013, 11 am – 8:30 pm

The Angel Orensanz Foundation for the Arts

172 Norfolk Street, New York, NY

<<We all want to pursue lives of meaning. It is the stories – the ones we tell about ourselves, that are the vehicles we use in that pursuit. And so it is the “the hero’s journey, ” that one overarching story, which is the blueprint for all stories. Why do we read we read Homer’s Odyssey and the story of the Buddha? Why do we love watching Stars Wars and The Matrix? These are all epic tales that contain a Departure, an Initiation and a Return. The hero hears a call, initially refuses it, but eventually crosses the threshold into a new world. He faces challenges and existential angst, but he receives wisdom from mentors, and transforms himself. The hero returns committed to improving both worlds. TEDxLowerEastSide has curated scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, yogis, monks, educators and activists who will tell “hero’s journeys,” sharing wisdom to open our hearts and cleanse our doors of perception.>>