Being a lefty in every sense of the word, I couldn’t turn down this op to speak at the Left Coast Writers monthly meeting at Book Passage.
Monday, January 5, 2009 – 7 pm –
Book Passage Corte Madera, CA
51 Tamal Vista Blvd
Corte Madera, CA 94925
(415) 927-0960
I’ll talk about “place” in writing, and of course with lots of discussion around my new book, Tango, an Argentine Love Story.
Autographed books for sale.
From LCW Web site:
“Left Coast Writers® was created to support new and established writers in the production and promotion of their work in a stimulating atmosphere of creativity and community.
The group meets regularly at Book Passage at a monthly literary salon with an amazing roster of guest speakers on the subjects of writers groups, long and short fiction, publishing, writer-agent relationships and more. Sign up for the salon and get a year-long subscription to the many services provided by Left Coast Writers®.”