Mexico A Love Story, edited by Camille Cusumano, Seal Press, Emeryville, Calif.
Mexico has long cast a spell over its neighbor — and alter ego — to the north. Americans share its history, exalt its food, and honor its artistic luminaries. They cross the border in droves, heading to warm waters, busy city centers, open-air mercados, language classrooms, cousins’ living rooms, and majestic temples. Mexico inspires passion and adventure — and love. In this eloquent collection, women share firsthand experiences with the people, history, and landscape of this rich country. Transcending the ordinary travelogue, these articles capture the ways in which Mexico has shaped lives or influenced decisions, how it has affected each woman in profound ways. In expressing their love for the country, these diverse writers share intimate stories as visceral as they are poignant, as entertaining as they are endearing. This compelling collection offers a new way for seasoned visitors, armchair travelers, and anyone interested in Mexico to appreciate an old friend.