Sonja Riket, Tango Revolutionary

I’d like to share a little about Sonja Riket, skilled tango teacher, who will be attending the TangoChat on June 19. She is the host of the neighborly “Tango Revolution” every Sunday at Caffee Trieste (follows our chat). She describes TR as “a fertile ground for learning about Argentine Tango, a dance and music of immigrants, which continues to cross the boundaries of race, culture, language and social status.” She brings an enlightened perspective to the table. Her relaxed milonga invites beginning and accomplished dancers and musicians to “share the floor without obvious hierarchy” and she says, “all gender pairings are encouraged and anyone may ask anyone to dance.” Sonja, a dancer of many years and a Feldenkrais therapist is sensitive to the dance in a special way: “We offer the beautiful connection between human beings in the Tango Embrace as a common ground and antidote against the isolation, separation and fearful existence we are led to believe is necessary.  What better way to come home to ourselves and connect with each other across our differences than the non-verbal power of a musical and dance embrace, listening and moving together as one?” Come meet Sonja Riket on June 19 at Trieste.